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(208) 743-6573
1816 18th Avenue Lewiston, Idaho 83501
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Home Activity for School Readiness Form
Practice bedtime routine
Looked at pictures of my family or books about a family
Rocked, held, soothed my child
Talk about feelings, What I (child) am feeling (sad, happy, mad etc)
Worked on naming body parts
Talked/sang, did fingerplay or played peek-a-boo with my child
Social-Emotional Time Volunteered
Fill in other Social-Emotional Activity
Physical Gross/Fine Motor
Move or dance to music
Tummy time or sitting upright
Crawling over objects or up/down
Walking w/help or along furniture
Running, jumping,climbing, pedaling, push and ride type activities
Playing with balls, bowling games,beanbag toss, etc.
Stacking toys puzzles, blocks, banging toys, activity centers etc.
Using tongs, writing or painting tools, doodle boards etc.
Physical Gross/Fine Motor Time Volunteered
Physical Gross/Fine Motor Activity
Identify objects you are talking about when talking with your child
Talk to your child about what he or she is doing, "I see you're eating pears"
Vocalize sounds or words to your infant or toddler
Use gestures or signs to communicate sign and say "all done" etc.
Sing songs, read books, help my child say the words
Take a ride or take a walk
Language Time Volunteered
Language Activity
Plays with puzzle,stacks blocks,sorters,simple games etc.
Explore and investigate: shake toys,take things apart, on/off etc.
Help with (laundry, dishes, groceries) putting things where they belong
Feel different textures: trees, grass, metal, fuzzy, rough, hard, soft, etc.
Imitates what you are doing: Wipes with a rag, sweep, laundry
Make animal sounds and name them
Take a listening walk, color walk, shape walk, etc.
Pretend play using objects
Cognitive Time Volunteered
Cognitive Activity
Read a book with a child
Listen to music, sing along with songs
Points to or names objects in the books
Scribble, draws lines, circles etc.
Draw and label a picture with your child
Point to signs and read them as you are driving or walking along
Make a book (lots of different ways to make books, this is fun)
Literacy Time Volunteered
Literacy Activity
Read counting books
Count objects, fingers, toes, crackers etc. with your child
Helps to set the table or another 1 to 1 correspondence activity
Plays with nesting cups, measuring spoons, or helps you measure
Talk about sizes: big, little, tall, short, etc.
Do counting rhymes with your child: one two buckle my shoe
Mathematics Time Volunteered
Mathematics Activity
Science & Technology
Take a nature walk, visit a store with animal displays etc.
Look closely at bugs, birds, fish, flowers, animals etc.
Talk about snow, rain, wind, sun, clouds
Melt snow or ice cubes, dig in dirt or sand, water play, collect leaves
Read a story about nature, weather, space, animals etc.
Make bubbles, blow bubbles, discover new bubble blowers
Learn new words like float,melt,wood etc.
Science & Technology Time Volunteered
Science & Technology Activity
Social Studies
Work on naming or identifying family members
Identify likeness and differences: eye colors, hair color, dress, pants
Tell a story about your family to your child
Read a book about a family that is different from yours
Visit a relative or neighbor
Take part in a cultural experience: Rodeo, pow wow, camp, fish, sled
Name things about where you live: house, building, farms, barn, store, etc.
Social Studies Time Volunteered
Social Studies Activity
Paint Experience
Color with crayons, or markers, chalk
Tear paper, use stickers
Make a collage, a hat, a mask, a windsock, a puppet etc.
Play with play dough
Art Time Volunteered
Art Activity
Program Focus Areas
Supervise brushing teeth/talk about dental health
Practice proper hand washing/talk about germs
Program Focus Areas Time Volunteered
Program Focus Areas
Parent Signature
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